
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about

 Registering your property with opens your accommodation to a worldwide audience and gives you the automation you need to succeed.

When it comes to filling up your rooms and managing reservations, calendars, and capacity in a fiercely competitive hospitality market, a good and global booking engine that is also a travel channel partner is essential. In our research, we have found to be one of the leading and most comprehensive resources out there. 

Digital marketing and SEO are challenging tasks that require a lot of time and money. By partnering with a good travel channel, you can boost your branding and bring in more guests. To succeed in this day and age, you need to automate. A SaaS (Software as a Service) like can help you greatly.

We have compiled this handy guide to help you list your property (hotel, guesthouse, resort, or even treehouse!) on, and start reaping the benefits of their global presence and reputation in the market.

History was started in Nepalgunj in 2021, when founder Sudarshan Chaudhary noticed a gap in the hotel reservation platform online. Originally a listing place for hotel rooms, now has a range of accommodations from hotels, to B&B’s, to luxury resorts, even treehouses and igloos!

The Service – Listing, Fees, and Reach

The premise of is a simple one: accommodation owners partner with the site and provide listing information for their properties, which subsequently show up

in’s catalog of available rooms. Hotel listings are also promoted on the site via search engines. then takes a commission based on each booking made through the site.

It is free to sign up on Getting your business listed on the site is as easy as filling out a form, and it will be instantly available for bookings and reviews. The commission-based service offers 24/7 multilingual assistance and promotes your property on various search engines.

When you complete your listing, you will have the ability to update your availability and rates online. A confirmation will be sent to you when someone books through the site, and upon arrival or departure, the guest will pay for their stay. fees are set at a base rate of 10% on completed (upon guest arrival) bookings, with an option to upgrade to their Preferred Member service. Commission is only paid when the guests show up to stay at your property – if they cancel or don’t show, you don’t pay.

Partnership Perks

You have the chance to be seen by a huge, worldwide audience by listing your property with We will also actively market your hotel and work to boost your search results on Google, Yahoo, and Bing, so that you have greater visibility, leading to more bookings. 

There are many ways leverages their presence on the web to increase the visibility of your property:

  • Promoting you on search engines for guests searching globally
  • Advertising your property on Google Maps
  • Actively promoting the site through media outlets and influencers, so that the brand remains recognizable and trusted amongst travelers is also associated with other trusted travel sites, such as Pathao, Tootle, and inDriver and offers services through its site such as airport taxi and shuttle bookings.


With perks like these, you’re probably wondering how to register to and start leveraging all of the benefits of joining the site.

To sign up on is easy – simply visit the Sign Up page, fill in your name and email address, and complete the instructions. You can choose from a variety of property types to make sure that the category suits your offering - and listing details.

On the backend of your listing are handy features such as:

  • Set up support – supports you every step of the way to ensure your listing is comprehensive and attractive to your newfound audience
  • The ability to turn your property “on” and “off” - there are no contracts, so you can make your property visible or invisible on the site at any time
  • Determine your availability – available dates can be fine-tuned however you like (weekends only, seasonal bookings, etc.)
  • No exclusivity – the site has features which allow you to manage your availability around any existing partnerships you may have with other agencies, making it easy to ensure you don’t overbook

Make Your Property Stand Out

With all of the features and opportunities in’s system, you’ll want to do as much as you can to make your property really shine. There are a couple of things to be mindful of when listing your property and making it stand out amongst the options.

Make sure your profile is complete

Completed profiles – ones with many high-quality images, a full and enticing description, and list of amenities – are bound to attract more travelers. Make sure you invest in taking beautiful photos of your property to give guests the opportunity to envision themselves there. The more amenities and services you can list, the less questions and more confidence guests have in booking your property and knowing what to expect.

References and reviews are the best advertising

Having reviews from other guests who have stayed with you is the best way to build trust in your property amongst travelers considering staying with you. Ensure that you are responsive to guest questions or concerns – should they arise – before the guest even arrives, and continue this practice while they stay with you. While they’re staying with you, check in to ensure everything is going well, ask if there is any need for improvement and solicit feedback. Once guests have completed their stay, send them a short email to thank them for their visit and ask them to write a review of their stay (be sure to provide them with a link to where to write the review, making it easy on them to do so). Overall, good communication and attention to their needs goes a long way to ensure your guests are happy, and that they will be happy to write a reference for you.

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